Nu am mai scris pe blogul asta de foarte mult timp. Nici nu am avut cand: bebe are parte de toata atentia mea cea mai mare parte din zi, iar pentru lucru ramane restul timpului. Ma mai indur din cand in cand sa postez noutatile lucrate pe blogul de prezentare si in magazinul meu de pe breslo. Altfel nu am timp deloc. :)
Azi am facut o pauza mare si am intrat aici sa va mai povestesc cate ceva. Ca de exemplu cum ca am descoperit foarte incantata ca sunt UNICA de pe breslo, pana in prezent, care lucreaza dantela tatted. :D Asadar, ma pot mandri cu produsele mele UNICAT si ca design, dar si ca tehnica.
In alta ordine de idei, pe langa produsele mele uzuale, am de gand sa creez o colectie de bijuterii si accesorii numai pentru miresici. Asta inseamna ca voi folosi foaarte mult culori deschise: alb, bejuri, sidefii, rozeuri si altele de gen. Toate vor avea ornamente tatted cu margelute fine si broderii. Asta este stilul meu: crosetat cu tatted sau brodat. Desigur, vor putea fi purtate la orice ocazie. Asa cum eu pot purta rochia de mireasa la orice ocazie. ;) Si da, ma mai incape! Sunt o norocoasa. :))
Cat despre inspiratie... In general o caut in arta populara (a noastra sau a altor popoare) si in costumele vechi (diverse epoci - mare fan al filmelor de epoca!!!), apoi incerc sa o modernizez nitel. Desigur, inspiratia vine si de pe Internet. Este greu sa nu gasesti ceva ce-ti place si pe care sa-l recreezi cu propria imaginatie. De fapt, mai toate bijuteriile se rezuma la cercei, inele, coliere. Sau la tehnici: tricotat, crosetat, tatted, cusut, brodat. Punctele de baza sunt aceleasi, iar modelele simple sunt usor de "descoperit" de catre oricine. Important este cum iti imaginezi acea bijuterie si cum ii dai forma dupa propriul gust.
Cam atat acum. Astept comentariile, opiniile, sugestiile voastre.
I have'nt wrote on this blog for a long time. I even didn't have had the time: the baby gets all my attention most of the day, and for work remains the rest of time. I endure from time to time to get a few menutes to post blog updates of my works on my presentation blog or in my store on breslo. Otherwise no time at all. :)
Today I took a long break and I loged in here to tell you a few ... somethings. Like how I found, very pleased, that on breslo I am the ONLY one, so far, which makes tatted lace. : D So I can be proud of my products for being OOAK as design, and as well as technique.
In other news, besides my usual products, I intend to create a collection of jewelry and accessories only for brides. That means I'll use veeery much pale colors: white, shades of beige, shades of pearl, shades of pink and other alike. All will have tatted ornaments with fine beads and embroidered. That is my style: crocheted with tatted or embroidery. Of course, they will be good to wear at any ocasion. As I still can wear my wedding dress to any occasion. ;) And yes, it still fits me! I'm lucky. :))
As for inspiration ... I generally look for it in folk art (ours - romanian - or other peoples) and vintage costumes (different ages - big fan of vintage films !!!), then I try to modernize a bit. Of course, inspiration comes from the Internet too. It's hard not to find something you like and recreate it with your own imagination. In fact, almost all jewelry is limited to earrings, rings, necklaces. Or techniques: knitting, crocheting, tatting, sewing and embroidery. The base points are the same, and simple models are easily "discovered" by anyone. Important is how you imagine that jewelry and how you give it shape after your own taste.
So much for now. I'm waiting for your comments, opinions, suggestions.
duminică, 28 martie 2010
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