De 2 zile lucrez la aceste 2 brose care mie imi plac foarte mult. Am si lucrat cam o zi si ceva pentru cea mare, dar eu zic ca a meritat. Sunt un fel de vintage clasic-modern, nu? Voi ce spuneti? Va plac?
I have an old project (as I've said I am full of ideas and projects, but my free time and the financial part aren't so helpful) about brooches. I have made broches and trinkets for kids, but also for adults. For some time I'm thinking seriousely to create a few sets of crocheted jewelry. Till now I've made different bugs (insects :D), small dolls, but I tackled other themes also.
In the past 2 days I worked at these 2 brooches that I love. I did worked about a day and a half for the big one, but I say it's worthed. They are a sort of classic-modern vintage, isn't it? What do you say? You like them?
Sunt foarte frumoase!
O seara minunata iti doresc!
Multumesc pentru apreciere. Seara buna!