miercuri, 3 iunie 2009

Brose crosetate/Crocheted brooches

Am un proiect mai vechi (dupa cum spuneam sunt plina de idei si proiecte, dar timpul liber si finantele nu prea ma ajuta) in care este vorba de brose. Am facut brose si brelocuri pentru copii, dar si pentru adulti. De ceva timp ma gandesc serios sa realizez si eu cateva seturi de bijuterii crosetate. Pana acum am facut diverse gaze(insecte :D), papusele, dar am abordat si alte teme.
De 2 zile lucrez la aceste 2 brose care mie imi plac foarte mult. Am si lucrat cam o zi si ceva pentru cea mare, dar eu zic ca a meritat. Sunt un fel de vintage clasic-modern, nu? Voi ce spuneti? Va plac?
I have an old project (as I've said I am full of ideas and projects, but my free time and the financial part aren't so helpful) about brooches. I have made broches and trinkets for kids, but also for adults. For some time I'm thinking seriousely to create a few sets of crocheted jewelry. Till now I've made different bugs (insects :D), small dolls, but I tackled other themes also.
In the past 2 days I worked at these 2 brooches that I love. I did worked about a day and a half for the big one, but I say it's worthed. They are a sort of classic-modern vintage, isn't it? What do you say? You like them?

brosa asta are cam 4 cm
this brooch has about 4 cm

brosa asta are cam 5 cm, fara panglici
this brooche has about 5 cm, without the ribbons