Uite ca m-am hotarat sa va arat si niste margelute crosetate. Astea sunt ultimele creatii. Mai am si alte modele, cu diverse aplicatii, dar cred ca le voi incarca atunci cand o sa am cu ce sa le fotografiez, pentru ca ma lasa aparatul foto. Sper sa se vada bine si aceasta fotografie.
De mult timp tot incerc sa gasesc cea mai buna reteta de margeluta crosetata rotunda - cat mai rotunda. :) Si uite ca am reusit ceva.
De mentionat este faptul ca sunt umplute cu vatelina, nu cu bilute de sticla, lemn sau plastic, precum cele din comert. Deci, sunt si lavabile :). Am sa incerc sa le spal la masina intr-un saculet special construit si va voi spune rezultatul. :D
Data viitoare voi posta floricelele si trandafirasii mei.
Well, I finally decided to show you some crocheted beads. These are my last creations. I have some other models with different applications, but I think I will uploade them when I'll have with what to take pictures, because my camera seams to leave me. :) I hope you can see this foto well.
For quite some time I try to find the best recipie for a perfectly round crocheted bead - as round as it can be. :) And look, I have done something.
To mention here is the fact that they are filled with wadding linen, not with a glass bead, a wooden bead or plastic/polymer bead, like the ones I've seen on shelfs. So they are washable too :). I'll try to put them in the washing machine in a special bag and I'll let you know what happends. :D
Next time I'll post my little flowers and roses.
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