
Am tot cautat diverse metode de a face modelaj: lut, papier-mache, plastilina, argila polimerica etc. Dar nu s-a lipit de mine niciuna. Ba e greu de obtinut lutul bun, ba e greu de realizat (strat dupa strat si pana prepari pasta de papier-mache...), plastilina nu tine, iar argila polimerica mi s-a parut cam scumpa pentru bugetul meu si nici cuptorul pe care il am la dispozitie nu e stralucit. Asa ca am mai cautat. Pana la urma am gasit! Portelan rece. Este foarte usor de facut si de modelat. Momentan incerc sa-l pastrez neted dupa ce se usuca, dar nu ma las batuta!
In fotografii apare umed si uscat. Uscat e un dezastru...
Cred ca am pus putin cam mult amidon la faza cu framantatul. Mai incerc si va spun cum am recuperat pasta.
I've searched alover the Internet ways to make modeling paste: clay, papier-mache, kinds plasticine, polymeric clay etc. But none got sticked to me. Either is difficult to obtain clay, either is hard to create (layer after layer and till you make the paste for papier-mache...), the kids plasticine isn't durable, and the polymeric clay seemed a bit too expensive for my budget and neither the oven that I have available is not brilliant. So I've searched some more. After a long one, I found it! Cold porcelain. Is very easy to make the paste and to model it. For now I try to keep it fine-surfaced after it dries, but I don't give up!
In the picture is wet and dry. Dry is a disaster...
I think I put a bit too much cornstarch at the kneading faze. I'll try more and I'll tell you how I've recovered the paste.
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