Printre multe altele, am pictat si lemn. Am inceput cu lingurile de lemn, pentru ca sunt mai usor de gasit in piata. :D
Ca baza pentru pictura mea pe lingura de lemn am folosit var lavabil (vinarom). Pictura in sine este facuta cu tempera si culori de apa. Pentru o pastrare mai buna si mai practica (se desprafuieste mai usor si nici nu se murdareste pictura), se protejaza cu un strat de lac. Lingura asta nu are strat de lac.
Among other things, I've painted on wood too. I've started with the wooden spoons, because are easier to find at the market. :D For the base of my painting on the wooden spoon I used white washable wall paint. The paint itself is made with tempera and wathercolor. For a better preservation and more practical one (it is easier to undust it and the painting is not smudged), is protected with a layer of vernish. This spoon doesn't have a layer of vernish.
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