La un targ de sarbatori, un peruan m-a intrebat cum am reusit sa innod o astfel de bratara. Cand i-am spus ca este cusuta, reactia lui a fost: "aaaaa.... asaaa?!...". A fost surprins, pentru ca nici nu ziceai ca este cusuta; puteai sa juri ca este innodata! :D Am mai relizat astfel de bratari pentru prieteni si inca mai lucrez din cand in cand. Acum am in lucru bratara bej. Pe cea cu gargarite am terminat-o de cusut. Mai am sa-i adaug legaturile si captusala si gata.
Because, sometime (a long-long time ago), the "knotted" bracelets war in fashion, I joined the game. They war of different sizes and line combination - the only easy-to-make pattern. Bored by so many knots, I thoght I should try to sew a bracelet. And I made it in a very short time compare to a knotted one. The stitch was in gobelin stitch - the small stitch. The best part was that I could make other models, even little flowers, on a 1 cm width (!!!), almost impossible job for knotting technique.
At a hollyday faur, a peruan young man asked me how I knotted such a bracelet. When I told him that it was stitched, his rection was like: "aaaaa... that way?!...". He was surprised, because you couldnt tell if it was stitched or knotted; you could swear that it was knotted! :D I made this kind of bracelets for my friends and I still do now and then. Now I hav a work in progress the beige bracelet. The one with ladybugs I finished stitching. I have to add the ties and the lining and that's it!

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