joi, 14 mai 2009

In loc de introducere/Instead of an introduction

Am stat mult si m-am gandit daca sa-mi fac un blog sau nu, dar va puteti da seama ce hotarare am luat. :) Sunt o persoana plina de idei si uneori nu am loc de ele. Domeniile sunt diverse - de la origami la croitorie. De mica mi-a placut sa mesteresc. Decupam toate revistele "Soimii patriei" si "Mischa" care imi picau in mana. Mai tarziu am ajuns la electrice, dar nu m-a pasionat prea mult domeniul asta. :)
Acum am un bebe mic si m-am reintors la vechile obiceiuri. Trebuie sa-mi "exersez mana" pentru momentul in care vom mesteri impreuna.
M-am gandit sa supun creatiile mele atentiei celor care sunt interesati, dar si criticii lor.
Asadar, va invit sa vizualizati si sa va dati cu parerea.
I took a long time to think about if I should create a blog or not, but you can easily see what I've decided. :) I am a person full of ideas and sometimes they are too many. They are from different areas - from origami to tailoring. From childhood I loved to do things. I used to cut up magazines like "Soimii patriei" (romanian) and "Mischa" (french and russian versions) that I got in my hands. Later I advanced to electrics, but that was not my favorite domain.:)
Now I have a baby and I came back to my old habits. I have to "practice" for the time when we will work together.
I thoght I should submit my creations to the attention of the ones that are interested, but also to their critics.
So, I invite you to see and give me your feedback.
Postare mai nouă
This is the last post.


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