Fiind gravida si neputand sa fac mare lucru, m-am reapucat de pictat acuarele. O veche pasiune pentru zane bune si fluturi s-a combinat cu starea mea si au iesit aceste personaje deosebite. Am utilizat acuarele, desigur, dar si creioane, geluri si putina tempera pe ici pe colo.
Being pregnant and unable to do much, I took my watercolors and started again to paint. An old passion for good fairies and butterflies combined with my situation and I gave birth to this special caracters. I used watercolors, ofcourse, but also pancils, rollergel pens and some tempera here and there.

Being pregnant and unable to do much, I took my watercolors and started again to paint. An old passion for good fairies and butterflies combined with my situation and I gave birth to this special caracters. I used watercolors, ofcourse, but also pancils, rollergel pens and some tempera here and there.

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